11:43 PM

I Should Done It Myself

posted under , by amirez | Edit This
Yes...you should! Once you figure out the tricks, you will do the same again and again...

12:43 AM

Building Float?

posted under by amirez | Edit This
No..No..Not the building floats! but, Criss Angel gets floated on it...Yes he does! Don't believe me?

10:19 PM

David Copperfield Card Magic

posted under , by amirez | Edit This
You should watch a great magic card by David Copperfield! He got his own style in there~Watch it carefully and enjoy the song as well...

8:58 AM

A Grandpa Magician Plays Bowling

posted under by amirez | Edit This
What will happen when a grandfather magician plays bowling??

10:55 AM

Coin Through Hand Magic

posted under by amirez | Edit This
It's impressive!! Is he got a magic hand??

6:54 PM

Mirror Tricks

posted under by amirez | Edit This
Cool! Awesome mirror tricks!! you should watch this video..
